AKILIMO mobile app.
The AKILIMO app for Android provides customized and precise agronomy advice on the Android platform.
AKILIMO on the Arifu chatbot.
AKILIMO has partnered with Arifu to offer agronomy advice on Arifu’s interactive learning platform.
AKILIMO on the VIAMO 421/321 service.
AKILIMO has partnered with VIAMO to offer agronomy advice on VIAMO’s popular 421/321 service through an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) channel.
Printable guides and worksheets.
AKILIMO offers printable advisory materials for extension workers and farmers. This includes a 2-page guide and worksheet.
Maps and tables
AKILIMO offers maps and tables with the recommended fertilizer application rate. These can be consulted interactively in our dashboard or downloaded as a booklet for use in the field.
Developers’ corner
AKILIMO offers recommendations to be accessed through API. Our API is free of charge and subject to our terms of use. Contact us to obtain a key to start using our API service today.